Happiness is…

waking up and realizing that you’ve been given another day.

having brunch with your best friends.

eating chocolate cake and not feeling guilty about it.

sipping an ice-cold drink and munching on junk food while watching a cheesy romantic comedy.

receiving your monthly statement (thank you, Ed) from Getty Images and seeing that your photos are selling quite alright.

getting a text message from a client, telling you that she loves her prints.

seeing humor in the silliest things (like this pencil).

a choice.

~ by Sheila on February 25, 2010.

4 Responses to “Happiness is…”

  1. love it, i think i’ll do this too! let’s see what image i can come up with!

  2. […] friend Sheila did a “Happiness is” post on her blog.  I thought I would give it a try too.  […]

  3. Wait, Getty Images is sending you an invoice???? You mean they are charging you to sell your photos? 😛

    I’ve been enjoying your photos.

    • hahaha! ed, you are right. it should have said “statement”. whatever was i thinking?! thank you. 🙂

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